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  1. B

    Fuel Warning and Temp Warning Gauge Malfunction

    I've got a '98 Horizon 240 with 494 hours on it. Was out last weekend and had the fuel low warning come on about 5 times. I had a full tank so I know low fuel wasn't a problem. It seemed to mostly happen when pulling a kneeboarder where the bow was up a good bit, but did happen a few times at...
  2. B

    Volvo Penta Thermostat Replacement Help

    I have a volvo engine on a 1998 Four Winns 240 - it's a 7.4Gi. I tried to replace the thermostat today but found that the right rear bolt on the thermostat housing was not accessible with either a wrench or socket. It seems that the intake manifold needs to be removed to get to it, but I hope...