Search results

  1. J

    Need Good Oil!

    Ok - I had my Force 125 Rebuilt after 12 years (broken ring). I have read here to use good oil and decarbon your force to keep it alive. My mechanic put in new pistons - the works - said the new piston design was better on rings than the old one. - Anyway - <br /><br />What is a good oil? I...
  2. J

    Speed drop after rebuild - force 125

    I just had my force 125 rebuilt. New everything and bored out. I notice- now that break in is done (it has about 20 hrs on it) - that my top end speed has dropped from about 35 to 40mph down to around 30. Timing and linkage/sync is all set correctly. <br /><br />Is this normal?
  3. J

    Force Electronics Mystery

    Lost spark on #3 only in mid-range speed - wide open fine - idle - fine.<br /><br />Replaced 3/4 power pack - still lost spark on #3 Replaced 1/2 power pack - and #3 spark came back.<br /><br />(even using old power pack on 3/4)<br /><br />How does 1/2 power pack effect #3 spark?<br /><br />jim