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  1. S

    No warm up lever?

    I have an '88 Johnson 200hp V-6 looper on a Stratos F+S. Single handle control. I keep reading of warm up levers and means of running the throttle w/out putting the boat in gear. I've looked mine over and cannot find either device. Do I just have an odd control box? It's says OMC and looks...
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    Vent and drain plug different

    I have an '88 J200STLCCM (200 looper). I just changed the LU lube and after I had both the vent and drain plugs out, I noticed they weren't exactly the same. One screw has a flat seat and one has a grooved seat. I can't tell by looking at the parts book which one goes where. Any ideas? I'm...
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    What year are my carbs?

    I have an '88 Johnson 200hp looper. I ordered carb rebuild kits and this weekend I went thru the carbs using my kits and the OEM manual. While the manual and the kits were for a similar carb, it was obvious mine weren't identical. The main difference was the manual called for a low-speed air...
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    "Hot Foot" installation?

    I have an '88 Stratos 189V F+S with a Johnson 200hp looper V-6. I've got a single lever OMC control, all '88 vintage stuff. someone gave me a "hot foot" foot throttle that has "chapparal" engraved in it. I'm assuming it came from a chaparral boat. Do i have any hope of using this foot...
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    Theoretical top speed estimate

    I have an '88 Stratos 189V F+S with an '88 200hp Johnson v-6 looper. The boat title says it weighs 1500ish pounds empty. I have a Shooter SS 4 blade prop, 25" pitch. Does anyone have a feel for what top speed would be for this rig with 2 people and minimal gear?
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    LU lube refill

    I'm about to refill my lower unit with lube, and was wondering why the manual says to fill from the lower hole? There's a perfectly good upper level hole that seems a better/cleaner place.
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    Newbie water pump replacement checklist

    I'm about to open my "new" '88 200 v-6 Johnson to replace/rebuild the water pump this weekend. I have an OEM manual, a water pump kit, new drain/fill plug washers and will have new LU lube. What else might I need to complete this job? Thanks in advance guys! This forum has already guided me...
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    Teleflex steering cylinder rebuild?

    I recently bought a '88 Stratos 189V F+S with a 200hp Johnson V-6 looper with hydraulic steering. A few days after getting it home i noticed that both sides of the Telelflex steering cylinder were leaking (w/out having been used). I'm looking for the correct seals/seal kit to repair the...
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    Battery Charging Question

    I recently purchased an on-board charger (from the iboats mall) for my new-to-me '88 Stratos 189v boat. I have a 24v trolling motor that is powered by 2-12v batteries connected in series. The new charger (i think, i don't have it yet) will charge 3-12 volt batteries, a 3 bank charger. Will I...
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    Manual for Johnson 200hp

    I jut bought an '88 Stratos 189V with a Johnson 200hp v-6. It's my first experience with an outboard. I want to be able to winterize/maintain/repair the engine myself. What books/manuals do any of you recommend? Thanks in advance!