Search results

  1. P

    Mercruiser Transom Identification

    Hi, I got a decepid boat with a trailer I bought and I'm trying to identify a mercruiser transom/drive unit/outdrive so I can sell it and recoup some cost. Actually, I don't even know what the correct terms are for the parts, so I've included 2 pictures below. They are the 2 parts that bolt...
  2. P

    Evinrude 88 SPL overheating (pics)

    Hi, I'm new to boating and engines and this forum. I searched the forum but didn't find what I needed. I have an Evinrude 88SPL that is overheating. The first problem is I haven't been able to find what model it is - there seems to be no info about this engine. Could it be 87891? That is a...