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  1. M

    ok show your age...

    or knowlage, i have just bought a small boat that came with a scott atwater 7.5 hp outboard,and dont know anything about it do you? like apox year it might be and is it a good reliable motor? i know you might want exact specs like serial numbers. but im not asking for exact year . just a rough...
  2. M

    need year

    i have a merc 9.8 hp. its also says 110or a 110 9.8 its serial nuber is 4392744i want to buy a repair manuel for it <needs a impeller i think.looked on here to id it but cant find a listing for that serial number
  3. M

    cant spark intrest

    i have a 7.5 hp honda 4 stroke that i cant get spark out of plug wires any help? already took the kill switch out thanks for your replys :confused:
  4. M

    no spark honda

    i have a 7.5 honda 4 stroker that dosent seem to be getting any spark looked at plugs they seem ok not getting fire at end of spark plug wires itook out the kill switch cause some one told me thats the problem .. no help there also would anyone know what year it is i know you need the #s so...
  5. M

    wards sea king 1973 9.6get to the points.

    i have got my 9.6 wards sea kingmade in 1973 running but want to get to the points and coil and would like a repair manuel also info on point gap spark pug gap to . i think im armed pretty good with were to get replacement parts < 3 sites thanks to all here>.p.s. it was made by chyrsler...