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  1. F

    Circuit Breaker Problem

    I was wondering if anybody has the same issue with their circuit breaker. When putting my boat in the water, before i can start it i have to reset the circuit breaker. when i'm in the water there is no problem. Is just the "bouncing down the road" causing this? It's not a huge problem, just...
  2. F

    Trim Help

    Morning all, I have been having problems with my trim gauge for a couple of weeks. When you run the trim down, the gauge goes down to the "down" position and then shoots back to up. All of the controls still work. ie "Up" "Down" and "Trailer". I noticed that yesterday the the sensor on the Port...
  3. F

    Hull Cleaning

    We purchased a new (to us) boat last week. The hull is discolored because it has been docked for the past couple of years. Is there anyway to restore the nice white shine that is underneath all of that or is the only thing that will fix it is a coat of paint?
  4. F

    New to wakeboarding

    Hello all, In the offseason this year i would like to buy a wakeboard and I have a few questions about it before I buy one. 1. Will my boat handle it? I have an 18ft larson with a 4.3L engine in it. 2. Am I too big? I'm 6ft 230lbs. 3. What is a good beginner wake board? 4. Do I need any...
  5. F

    Speedo and trim gauge question

    Hello all. I have 2 gauges not functioning properly on my new (used) boat. The speedo works but starts out at 30 and goes to about 40. The other one is the trim indicator. When you lower the boat trim the gauge works until you get about 3/4 of the way down then it pegs and reads that it is up...
  6. F

    Newbie with an engine knock 3.0

    I recently purchased a 89 Smokercraft with a 3.0. I got this boat cheap so i expected some problems. I have been able to fix almost all of them myself. Most were electrical. However, when the boat is at idle there is a knock in the engine. It doesn't sound "tinny," so i don't think it is a...