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  1. X

    '86 115 con rod bolt wrench

    9/32 too big 1/4 too small 7mm too big 6mm too small all six point. What should I use?
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    What exactly is "Coking"

    I have read that coking is a problem with 3 ring pistons. What is it, why does it form, and what can I do to avoid or cure it? Why is it not a problem with 2 ring pistons? Does this mean that 3 ring pistons are inferior? What are the pros and cons of each? Thanks in advance.
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    Proper break in procedure.

    '86 115 030 cast 3 ring.
  4. X

    Aftermarket piston pin clearance

    I have gotten a set of pro marine "persan" cast 3 ring .030 pistons for my '86 115. These have floating pins as opposed to the press fit originals and are somewhat smaller because they can easily be slid into the old piston. Now it seems that I have more play in the needle bearings in the con...
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    inline piston ring compressors

    Where can I get a set for an inline 6? Is there any other method that can be used?
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    new coils from sierra for '75 70hp

    I just got these replacements and noticed that the laminates are bare metal. Are these stainless or do I need to paint them so they dont rust?
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    2 vs 3 ring pistons for inline crossflows

    I am trying to decide what pistons to get for my '86 115. It has 3 ring pistons now but I have found that 5 of them have some deep grooves scored into the skirts. My machine shop wants to put in Wiseco forged pistons with 2 rings but that is contrary to what I heave read here and in other...
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    Project "86 Inline 6 Rebuild"

    Took my block with 2 bad holes to the only shop in western Canada that works on inline mercs and was told that it had to get bored 20 over in each hole and new wiseco forged pistons installed. Boring @ $60/hole + 6 pistons not installed =$1400; about $1250 US. Seems high to me. I usually pay...
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    1986 merc 115 wot

    My 115 is on a 15' 1200 lb ski boat and is awesome out of the hole even with a skier or a triple tube right up til 5200 rpm @ 38mph ( not towing) where it goes no faster.Prop shop says prop ( 3 blade alum.)is a 19# in the middle but less on the tips as though it had been reworked. I pulled motor...
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    1975 70hp surging at idle

    Just got this motor. I took it out and it ran fine at WOT and then it seemed to drop a cylinder. Started back to the dock and then it seemed to drop another.Afterwards it would only start with the idle lever set all the way up and would die as soon as I tried to put it in gear. Lots of smoke and...