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  1. H

    50 HP Evinrude Mystery Alarm

    Just bought a pontoon with a 1996 Evinrude 50 HP, model E50TLEDS. This motor is and always was an oil mix – it never had VRO. While moving it from the dock to my trailer I accelerated to approx. 3500 RPMs and the “No Oil” light and warning horn activated. After about ten seconds, both turned...
  2. H

    At what engine temperature should the sensor trigger the overheat alarm?

    I have a 1994 Mercury Tracker, 60 HP, three cylinder. Its oil injection system has been removed and I mix @ 50:1. It runs quite good, as long as I stay below 3800 PRPMs. Above that, the overheat alarm sounds. The alarm stops within 20 seconds of idling in neutral. I could run all day below 3800...
  3. H

    Sharp Noises and Vibration from Power Head During Throttle Up

    Well, this is my 2nd used motor since last October that supposedly ?runs great!?. But after investing much time and several hundreds of $$$, it still looks like I?m not going to make it to the lake. Hoping someone on this site might have an idea of what is going on ? neither of the two...
  4. H

    Metallic clunking sounds when accelerating

    I bought a used 1994 Mercury Tracker, 3 cyl. 60 hp motor last November. Oil injection pump has been removed. I've invested about $400 in it, adding / replacing little things worn or missing. My efforts have included rebuilding the three carbs, replacing the spark plugs and wires, and verifying...
  5. H

    Two Stroke Oil Accumulation in Intake Manifold.

    I recently bought a used 1994, 60 HP, 3 cylinder, oil injected, two stroke. It's been on a stand since I got it. I started to rebuild the carbs today and discovered that the green two stroke oil leaking from motor was coming from the lowest of the three carbs. When I pulled the carbs, I saw it...
  6. H

    I reversed battery polarity, now it won't start

    Tried to hook up a battery while lying on my stomach under the boat cover, in the dark. Realized I had reversed the battery terminals as soon as I touched the second cable to the post and saw the little orange sparks. Now I have no power to the engine, except the tilt/trim switch. Can't turn it...
  7. H

    Scored Cylinders: What to Do???

    I recently bought my first boat, a used pontoon, with a used 1995 (new in 1998) Mariner 50 on it - a 4 cyl., 4 stroke. The seller said it had a "knock" in it and there might be a head gasket problem. He said he over-revved the engine trying to get the boat on a trailer. He also said he put too...
  8. H

    Engine timing Problem

    This is a follow up to my "Bad Engine Knock" post dated Oct. 4th. Much thanks to emckelvy and j martin for their thoughts and suggestions. I still haven't gotten it running, but I did drain the oil, (two full quarts over!), but no water in the sump, thankfully. I also finally located a...
  9. H

    Bad Engine Knock

    Hi All, I just bought a used pontoon with a 98 Mariner 50 on it. It's a 4 stroke engine and reportedly ran well since it was bought new in 2002. The seller states that on his last outing he attempted to drive it onto his bunk-type trailer at low tide and briefly revved the motor, apparently much...