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    Lube Oil in cooling water?? HELP

    I understand water in lower unit, but the other way around? Can anyone help! Also, anyone know how to get to thermostat in 1971 7.5 HP Merc. Not shown in service manual that I have. :confused:
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    Grease w/water draining 7.5 merc

    HELP I have water mixed with lower unit grease draining from tiny pin hole on top side of of propeller shaft housing. Is this a vent hole, I have not seen it before. How is grease getting mixed with water? :confused:
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    Coil Problem Merc 7.5 HP

    Anyone, Why can't I detect a coil problem with a continuity test?? Had one dead cylinder, switched coils around. Still have a dead cylinder, but is opposite one. :confused:
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    7.5 HP Merc - NO SPARK

    Hi, a novice here, although I do understand motor operation. 1971 model has spark to top cylinder only. Worked fine last fall before storing. Now starts- runs on one cylinder. Bottom cylinder dead. The manual I have does not show much detail getting to the mag and points, or coil removal. Also...
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    Plug Wires, Older Merc

    1971 7.5 HP. Does anyone know, are the wires threaded into the coil, or pushed in? I cam afraid to pull any harder! :confused:
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    1971 (?) Merc 7.5 HP HELP

    I really need someones' help here, and please don't be too critical of my question. In changing spark plugs, found bad plug wire end. I wanted to just get new wires, but it looks like the other end is integral to coil or ingnition module. Is this correct? I went to a local dealer, who said: you...
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    Johnson 3hp parts help

    where can I find a carb kit and float for a Johnson 3 hp, JW14, s/n 1744991
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    3 hp Johnson JW14, S/N 1744991

    Can anyone tell me what year this motor is. Also where can I find a carb kit including a new float? :cool: