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    tohatsu 9.9?

    This is my first tohatsu motor, and Iam having a hard time finding parts in my area . My napa cataloge shows nothin for them. The info is (m9.9c , 355a , and serial# 66246). What Iam looking for is a year of production and a place to find parts. Thanks ....wes....
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    coils not fitting right..1959 evinrude..10hp

    1959 evinrude 10hp 10018-4390. I installed new coils but now the skill switch wires that went under the old coils don't fit. I tried just to tightin down the new coils over the wires but that just distorted the coils. I have also tried to rerout the wires but , Im concerned with the wires...
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    LOWER UNIT OIL? 1959 evinrude

    1959 EVINRUDE . 10018-04390. I was looking at some lucas 75-90 today, it said it was ok for outbard gears . Im not sure what oil to use, my selco book doesn't mention lower unit oil. It olny refers to a pic. of a older oil product , but doesn't say what the gear oil should be.. And has anyone...
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    pressurized gas tank.. cleaning...

    I have two tanks that need to be cleaned and sealed. How would you do that? I heard of some cem's that you can pour in and that it would desove all the rust then pour in something eles to seal it.. I have looked aroud a bit but can't come up with anything..
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    rusted bolts...?

    (1959 10HP EVINRUDE ..10018-04390) When replacing any bolts and nuts , should you use stainless steel with some antisieze on the threads? I only ask becuase I use antisieze at work on bolts that may have futhure corrtion issues.Im just not sure if that will interfear with torque values on head...
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    what motor to get?????..evinrude or johnson

    On the way back from duck hunting to day ,I stoped off at a backwoods type lawn mower shop just to see if he had any perssure tanks laying around. Well he had alot more than that. This is only some of what he had for sale. 2..evinrude big twins (25034-10807)# only off of one. 2.. evinrude 7.5's...
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    1956 15 hp johnson w/electric start(tobuild or not to build?)

    model #fde-10 ..s#1366996 I was told the piston rings, rod and main bearings and powerhead gasket kits are no longer avalible for my motor and if they were it would not be cost efective to do sush a rebuild. Im willing to find another power head but can't seem to find one. And another thing is...