Search results

  1. B

    2006 Chevy Tahoe with 5.3L engine

    I'm not sure if there is any 'recommended' list of towing vechicals for boats, and this might sound a bit silly, but hey I'm new and silly. I'm looking at a 1995 27' 4,500 lbs Cyclone Sunrunner, it comes with the 'origional' trailer (no real information on it), and I'm wondering if I will have...
  2. B

    Boating Noobie with some purchase questions

    So let me start off with I know NOTHING about boats, except I have always wanted one. I'm a systems engineer and a motor head from my teenage days, so I'm not completely technically blind, but I just dont have a boating background and would like some help/suggestions/information. There is a...