Search results

  1. M

    Transom Mount Transducer Placement

    I am preparing to put a new depth finder on my 1976 Aquasport 170 Open Fisherman. Looking for advice on transducer placement on the transom. Upper outside edge, or deeper on the Vee, more towards the center of the Vee??? I have seen both done, but have no clue which is best for performance...
  2. M

    1992 Nissan 90, No reverse or neutral

    Was out fishing this morning, and went to use reverse to stop, and lo and behold, No Reverse, No Neutral. it was working fine five minutes prior. In the neutral position the boat coninues to idle forward, and accelerates forward when throttle is applied in the reverse position. The helm is a...
  3. M

    1992 Nissan 90 Parts?

    Elvin (or anybody else), Any good sources online or by phone for 1992 Nissan NS90A parts? I would like to get a price on the oil level sensor with a cap. I am sure that is not the last part I will need!!! Appreciate the help. Mickey
  4. M

    Nissan 90 hp year model???

    I recently bought a 1976 Aquasport 170 that has a decent runnign Nissan 90 on it. The model # is NS90-A, serial # 3B7-1, 15016. Anybody help????