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  1. M

    Help! Spark problems...

    Hello again, I'm trying to get an old Volvo Penta 230 running and up untill 20 minutes ago I havn't been able to get spark out of it. Finally after some tinkering on this beautiful Saturday i got spark from the COIL, but still no spark at the wires... I tried 3 of the 4 wires, got nothing from...
  2. M

    Restoring an old Renken, couple questions?

    I'm in the middle of restoring an 83 19ft Renken with a Volvo Penta 230a/270 I/O. I've already rebuilt the carb, soaked it in acid and replaced the points/condensor. The motor cranks fine, and has clean, water-free oil in it. The cylinder head is clean and free of any metal shavings, but the...
  3. M

    Volvo Penta 230 Firing Order?

    Very basic question that for some reason the damn workshop manual I have doesn't answer... Does anybody know the Firing Order for a Volvo Penta 230 engine? Thank You
  4. M

    I need a Volvo Penta 230 workshop manual...

    Can anybody help me find a manual for my Volvo Penta 230 engine, was built in the 80's with i believe a 270 outdrive? I can't find it online anywhere! Thank You The boat it's in is a 19' Renken, year 83'
  5. M

    Volvo Penta 230 Ignition problem

    Hey, sorry i had to post a new thread but I couldn't find my old one... This is an old Volvo Penta 230 from 1981 (carburated, points/condenser style distro) I have no spark. On the Ignition coil, using a test light i verified that i had voltage at the positive and negative terminals, but no...
  6. M

    Volvo Penta 230 Ignition Question

    I have a Volvo Penta 230 Engine that I'm restoring. It was made in 1981, has a 270 outdrive and has sat for 4 years. I can't get spark out of it. I replaced the condenser and contact set, and put a new ign. coil in it (The guy at the parts place said the coil was actually FOR a mercruiser but...
  7. M

    Volvo 230 ignition question

    Im looking for spark in an old Volvo 230, and not finding it... lol I checked the coil by putting a voltmeter to the cable, grounding it on the block and cranking the engine - I couldn't read the exact voltage from where i had to stand to turn the key but I definatly saw movement so Im thinking...
  8. M

    Old Volvo 230 project - Couple questions...

    Hello, I'm new to the forums here and I have a few questions I'm hoping somebody could answer for me. I recently came in to a 1983 Renken 19ft I/O with a Volvo 230 engine in it. I rigged up my old car battery to hook up to the boat just so I could test the electronics and see if I can't get it...
  9. M

    Some help from an experienced sailer or two?

    Hey, whats up? I just got home from a 2 hour drive to pick up the first boat I've ever owned. It's a 20 ft Renken, It was free, needless to say not in the BEST condition, but from what I can see theres nothing really wrong with it. It has a Volvo 230 engine in it, i/o with a nice little cabin...