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  1. B

    clanton my model #

    CLANTON my johnson 225 v6 model # 225txce would like to have diagram you refered to in last post email thanks
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    ignition problem?

    i have a 225 v6 johnson after sitting idle for 4 months it would not start. an after mkt power pak installed got it working fine.except now it will not turn off. ignition switch is good. is it possible that the pwer pack is defective? there is a black wire with a yelloow stripe going to what...
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    can anybody help with this

    i have a 225 johnson v6 after running at idle for ten minutes one side of engine isw luke warm and other side is very hot. water coming out has no pressure. what kind of problem do i have thanx for the help
  4. B

    engine wont turn off

    im a newbe,hello all hope someone can help i have 225 johnson,v6 after sitting 4 months would not start i installed power pack now it wont turn off id appreciate any assist.thanking you in advance