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  1. T

    power steering problem

    I have a 1988 volvo aq151b, 290 outdrive. Power steering actuator does not seem to be working. Pump seems to be circulating but hard to steer. Nothing is leaking. Question is can actuator be replaced with different newer version as the one I am using is not made anymore.
  2. T

    tilt & trim repair

    I have a 290 outdrive that is leaking pass the o-ring making the leg drop. My seloc repair manual shows part number 321446 as the o-ring I need to replace. I have tried to find this part but haven't had any luck. Can anyone help me find these o-rings? Thanks
  3. T

    how do i locate the ballast resister

    I'm installing pertronix ignition in volvo aq151. Diagram indicates i should connect red lead from module to ignition lead before ballast resistor to coil. How do i locate the ballast resistor going to the coil. The only resistor i see is on the alternator.
  4. T

    trim guage or sensor?

    I have a volvo 290 outdrive. Tilt and trim function but gauge always read 63 with red light flashing. How can i diagnose this problem.
  5. T

    I need a new enjine to replace volvo aq151b

    i have a 290 outdrive, can anyone reccomend a good replacement enjine. i want something that can mate to outdrive and i can use my intake and exhaust manifold. also need at least same horsepower.
  6. T

    help me aq151b

    i recently purchased a used 1988 baretta boat with a volvo aq151b enjine. It has a fresh water cooling system. It was leaking coolant into the enjine. I know this means I have a blown head gasket are a cracked block. I used some k&m block sealer and it has sealed it for the time being. Pressure...