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  1. B

    6HP Johnson what year?

    i've got an early eighties or late seventies johnson, how can i determine what year and model this is? is there a tag somewhere on this thing? i really haven't looked to hard for any ID tags but any help would be appreciated.
  2. B

    water in intake 85 volvo260AQ/280

    after replacing:manifolds&risers,heads&gaskets,water pump impeller took a test run and it shut off again all the cylinders were full of water and i also water in the intake under the carb. when i had it apart the block looked good, i saw no visible cracks, i checked all the mating surfaces with...
  3. B

    volvo 260a water in cylinders

    I just finished installing new manifolds and risers on my 86 bayliner contessa with volvo penta 260a chevy because it hydro locked. i replaced these parts on the advice of another boater due to his experinces in the past.the engine restarted and ran okay at best i turned it off and upon trying...