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  1. D

    Wheel Bearings

    This could be a tough one--I just bought a used <br />boat and trailer, the boat is OK but the trailer has been re-fitted with "Honda" spindles to utilize 12" wheels. <br /> When I checked the bearings for grease I noticed that there was a very slight bit of play, the bearing seats are not...
  2. D

    Merc 9.8 charging system

    I have an older Merc 9.8 (late 70's early 80's)<br />and am wondering if it is possible to install an alternator or other charging system to maintain a 12 volt battery to power lights and sonar etc.
  3. D

    35hp Chrysler bogs down in gear

    I have a mid-70's 35hp, it sat for approx 20 months with the gas in, when I cleaned the carb with spray carb cleaner, I removed the mix-screw,<br />when I did, I didn't count the # of turns from seated,(I know STUPID!! ) also a small "O" ring came out of the port with the screw. This ring has...