Search results

  1. P

    new or used mercury block

    i need a new or used mercury 1977 150 inline 6 block i have a crack in mine any sugestions on were to find one and about how much it should cost
  2. P

    cracked block

    my bolck is cracked on a 1977 inline 6 mercury it is on the intake side of the #3 i can tig weld it from out side of the cylinder will this work or is it time for a new block .the cylinder sleave is fine .
  3. P

    cracked intake galley

    i striped down my 150 mercury inline 6 1977 to find the number three pistion melted. but allso noticed a crack above the two intaked ports in the cylinder. in a galley were it is allumin and :eek: where the cylinder is notched out dose this need to be fixed and how :eek:
  4. P

    mercury cylinder crack

    i striped down my 150 inline 6 mercury to find a melted piston in the number three hole .there is some piston resadue in the cylinderand it looks like there is a crack in the intake chamber were it is aluminum punched though the cylinder sleave below the two intake ports can this be fixed .i...
  5. P

    power head removel

    i have a 1977 150 mercury inline 6 i have a manuel .but was looking for any tips on pulling the power head allso do i need a cherry picker to pull the power for the lower unit so i can redo the rings i have every thing ready to go on the motor just need to pull it . :confused: :confused
  6. P

    mercury low compresion

    i have a 1977 150 mercury inline 6 out board .i did a compresion check on it, all the cyclinders have around 125psi except for the #3 it only has 5psi. Is this a ring or pistion problem and if so can i repair the #3 cyclinder only or should i rebulid all the cyclinders .can i test to see what...