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  1. D

    Merc 50 hp bogs down under load

    I have what I believe is a 1967 Merc 50 HP four cyl. It has been sitting for a while in someone elses garage so I'm not sure of its history. Serial No# 1770362. Compression is 120 in 3 cyls and 110 in the other. It starts ind idles fine and revs great when its out of the water. When we take it...
  2. D

    Merc 50 hp Four power loss

    I have what I believe is a 1967 merc 50 hp four ser# 1770362 that idles fine while it runs out of the water with a hose hooked up to the water pump. the compression is 120/120/110/120. when i put it in the lake it starts fine but wont go to full rpm's with WOT. The spark is fine in all cyls. New...