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  1. G

    65hp Johnson hydroelectric shift problem

    If the piston was binding would it act like it's part way between neutral and forward? It sounds like it's trying to engage but cant.
  2. G

    65hp Johnson hydroelectric shift problem

    This was the first trip out for the season. It had fresh gear lube type-a in it. I will pull it out of the water and see
  3. G

    65hp Johnson hydroelectric shift problem

    Hello I have a 72 65hp Johnson hydroelectric shift. It's been a great motor, but it wont go into forward now. It's making a clunking noise like something is binding. I know it defaults to forward when no power is applied. I disconnected power to it and it still does it. Periodically I can get it...
  4. G

    1971 glasspar HELP!

    My neighbor aquired a 1971 glasspar 16ft fiberglass boat. i help him get it running again and it runs perfectly. the issue is the boat has the fold out (jump seats) and one of then is missing along with all the bracketry. i have looked on line and couldnt find any parts so does someone have some...