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  1. R

    1996 Evinrude Fuel Line Replacement

    Correction: Leaking rubber fuel line between the the fitting where the gas line connects to the motor and the inline filter near the oil miture pump has sprung a leak under the power head. Can I disconnect the fuel line from the inline filter add a fitting that will allow me to connect a new...
  2. R

    1998 Evinrude 25HP Question

    Does anyone know where the fuel filter is located as I want to replace it? Also where can I put an additional filter (inline)? Should I put it behind the primer bulb? Are there any manuals online for this motor or do I have to purchase one? The reason I ask is I am having an occasional...
  3. R

    Lowe 1602 Question

    I bought a 1998 Lowe model 1602 boat set up for fishing and have a question. Does anyone have an idea where I can pick up seats and a pedestal for it. I would like to get the ones that say Lowe on the seat back so they will look similar to the ones I have. The seats are white and blue.
  4. R

    25 HP Evinrude Leaking Oil Around Prop

    I have a 1998 25HP Evinrude that is leaking oil while sitting, not running and it appears to be coming from behind the propeller. I cleaned off the oil yesterday and I see more coming out today. The oil is dark brown in color and I see it coming from the back of the propeller. I have not used...