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  1. F

    Maintenace on trailer axle

    Is there any way to perfrom preventive maintenace on an axle or just go till it snaps?
  2. F

    Trailer Overhaul

    1990 19' Arriva w. Force 150 outboard.<br /><br />Still have the stock trailer... Time for a trailer overhaul. Looking ot find out the actual weight of the rig to purchase new springs etc...<br /><br />Anybody know the weight of this boat, or have the owners manual of this boat?<br />From my...
  3. F

    Outboard Power Steering

    After years of fighting ny steering, I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with power or any other steering improvements for outboard engines, for a force 150 hp.
  4. F

    Force 150 HP Operating temperature

    I just rebuilt my 1990 force 150 hp engine. The temperature buzzer was shot so I put a temp gauge on. What is the normal temperature range for a good running engine? I am assuming if I go above 160F things will not be good.