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  1. V

    1997 new to me Johnson 90hp outboard bogs down above 1/2 throttle

    I'm late to the game but had the same experience with my '84 90hp Johnson V4 outboard. One of the two ignition coils went bad so replaced it (5 minutes work) and runs great again.
  2. V

    Buzzing in throttle housing '84 Johnson 90HP 4 cyl

    Hi all, have no idea why a loud buzzing horn in the throttle housing goes off sometimes. Even when turning the key to on (not started), it buzzes loudly (think of the VW in Little Miss Sunshine!). Boat runs just fine with buzzer going and then poof it goes off. What causes this buzzer?
  3. V

    1984 Johnson V4 90hp max rpm

    Perfect thanks so much! Looks like I have the perfect prop then. Out of the hole in about 1.5 seconds and smooth to 45-50mph (5200rpm)
  4. V

    1984 Johnson V4 90hp max rpm

    An old thread helped me find the spark plug gap (30-40). I replaced a 13” 17p 3 blade prop that was getting 5200rpm top. The new 12.25” 19p 4-blade yielded only 4800rpm so settled on 12.75” 17p 4 blade to get 5200 again. So…..what is the correct max rpm for this engine? Runs great but I...