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  1. O

    4hp 2T Mariner outboard - Trim not catching to Arm lock

    OH, ok, I didn't relasise that, that works perfecty.
  2. O

    4hp 2T Mariner outboard - Trim not catching to Arm lock

    So, what I can see if, if I move it from side to side, it locks into that holding pin. However, when straight ahead, it doesnt lock in. You can see there is a curve in the tilt lock plate, which only locks in when it moves left or right.
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    4hp 2T Mariner outboard - Trim not catching to Arm lock

    I've put in on the mount on my boat's spare bracket, and I still have the same sithation. I don't have a decent video of the bracket on the mount (I'll get one later) but here is is on the boat. This is a video I took to ask about the telltail but you can see the bracket a little, and I'm pretty...
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    4hp 2T Mariner outboard - Trim not catching to Arm lock

    All, first post so hope I'm giving all corrrect info. I have a 4HP 2T Mariner outboard with Serial Y-2 6EO-01 100009. After I changed the impeller the (what I think is a trim arm) is not catching to the arm lock. Did I put the bottom leg in correectly? All gears work fine, just think catch that...