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  1. D

    Bf75 slow down by itself. Need serious HELP!

    I have bf75 that is giving me some trouble. When its cold. It runs perfectly fine. But when the engine have been running for a 15 mins continuously (max speed 4800rpm), it will then slow down by itself slowly to 3000 rpm ( as if i was losing power or running low on gas). Dont matter what i do...
  2. D

    Honda bf75a Help!

    I have a bf75a motor. It have a problem accelerating. If I let it idle, ITS PERFECT. But when I?m about to accelerate, it make some sound like as if its spitting out air. or sputtering. Any ideas? Also, if I slowly accelerate, it will still make that noise and choking around 1400rpm-2000rpm...
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    1993 Force 40hp Heavy steering

    Hi everyone, First of all i dont know the words of certain parts on a outboard motor. Sorry My first time owning a Force outboard. I am having this problem with the steering. It is pretty heavy to the point that i have to use to hand to steer it. Just for it to move is what i mean. I have...