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    2002 VP 5.0 L GXi No Raw Water Pump Pressure.

    Hello and thanks for any help in advance from the members of this awesome website. After reading every thread I can find on the subject of impellers and raw water pump issues, I am still very mystified by a lack of water pressure from my raw water pump. I will try to be brief but…. I have an...
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    5.0 L overheat questions, after trying all I can to diagnose.

    Hello iboats members I count this site among my most valued resources The wealth of info in the archives, stickys, etc is incredible. I have tried to avoid this post by searching the archives for info, but am unable to find a couple of answers I think can be quickly dealt with by an...
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    AQ151C Success!

    I mistakenly called it an AQ131C in a post a couple of weeks ago. After the 3rd reading, the tune up and troubleshooting stickys started to stick. and my tests indicated a part or two had failed in the ignition system. New coil. No fire, (even though the best shop in town told me the old one...
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    what pitch for this orphan deck boat?

    Hi guys Sorry to break half the rules with my first question in this forum, but here goes: A friend and I brought home a newer motor for his recently acquired 26' Peterborough deck boat. The old motor calved right away..( but it worked long enough to show how nicely it would plane and...
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    AQ131C quit suddenly. won't start.

    Hello guys I hope some of you smart helpful types are tuned in like you were last time I had an issue a couple of years ago. !986 Imperial Bow Rider. much newer motor. Okay, maybe it was in box for 20 years, 'cause the guy I bought it from 3 years ago said it had a "new motor". I know they...
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    AQ 151C still overheating with new impeller

    Hello again I was not sure whether to start a new post, but it's been 3 weeks, and sort of a new problem. I'm sure one of you will let me know if this an etiquette no no. :) My newly installed impeller, shaft, and cross piece carrier etc seem to be circulating water through the raw water...
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    Impeller Shaft Loose V/P AQ 151C

    I'm trying to solve an overheating issue on a "new" motor in an old boat I bought recently. It sure looks and sounds new, btw. Got my new impeller (through iboats of course) and downloaded a manual. Looked like a simple swap.... 1st thing I noticed was that the timing gear cover was broken...
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    "New" V/P AQ 151 C?

    My 1st posting, after a year of finding great tips regarding an AQ 125 in my old houseboat. I'm looking at driving a several hrs to look at and hopefully buy a 19 ft bowrider with what is advertised as a new in 2007 AQ 151 C (i can only see the 151 C in the pic). Put away in 2008, it's...