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  1. A

    replace shaft on great white?

    Can anyone give me any clues on how this is done? Looks straight foreward. I assume the shaft is threaded into the motor head and sealed or epoxied into place. Heat gun to release? Does anyone know what the tread dia/pitch is? I want to lengthen mine a foot or so and have a piece of correct dia...
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    rebuilding a 1990 90 nissan (non tldi)

    I have a chance to get a 90 nissan fairly cheap. Problem is it has a bad piston (holed from incorrect sparkplug). Looking around I find few parts sources for nissan motors. Is this worth trying to find parts for and rebuild? Would love to replace the current 70 I have with a 90 but not if it's...
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    70 nissan won't run past idle in gear FIXED

    After a lot of doing including remove and clean the carbs new tank fittings, new hoses, new bulb, new....... It still wouldn't run but I noticed a fuel leak (when I pumped the primer bulb)this time around the top of the little fuel filter that's attached to the engine. Well, when I cleaned the...
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    70 nissan won't run past idle in gear.

    This is a 10+ (no oil injection) year old motor that has never so much as sneezed before. After sitting for half a year, I got a new tank and fuel line assy. The tank is one of the portable tempo tanks that came with an evinrude connector. All I changed was the connector on the engine side of...