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  1. B

    2011 8522 Sylvan Pontoon with a 2011 Merc Optimax

    Just purchased a brand new 2011 8522 Sylvan Pontoon with a 2011 Merc Optimax. Its not in the catalouges that I recieved from Sylvan, and my dealership never told me you cannot tilt completely up the engine as it will hit the transum. I ended up fracturing the fiberglass engine housing and ripped...
  2. B

    115 Merc Optimax with a 8522 Sylvan Pontoon

    Just purchased a brand new 2011 8522 Sylvan Pontoon with a 2011 Merc Optimax. Its not in the catalouges that I recieved from Sylvan, and my dealership never told me you cannot tilt completely up the engine as it will hit the transum. I ended up fracturing the fiberglass engine housing and ripped...