Search results

  1. J

    Optimax Starts and Stalls

    2003 Optimax 225 Starts quickly 2-3 seconds after week or overnight of sitting and then runs for 5 or so seconds then stalls. If i start it it again the same thing. 3rd time usually works and stays running. All else appears normal. Fuel consumption and performance are fine. Should I start...
  2. J

    Optimax 225 Oil Tank

    I have a 2003 Mercury 225 Optimax. I neglected to fill the remote oiltank. It started to use the engine mounted tank (as it should) and as the oil started to get low the 4 beep low oil alarm came on. I stopped the engine and filled both the engine mounted and remote tanks with oil. I thought...
  3. J

    Merc 225 2 vs 4 Stoke

    I am looking for a 22’ or so runabout for use in the upper Chesapeake Bay. I have 2 young children 3 and 5 so I need a head. I was going to get a 24’ Sea Ray bow rider. Till I saw a Boston Whaler 21’ Ventura. I fell in love with the quality of build and the fishability. Have owned both Sea...