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    1965 Merc 500 repair manual

    I have a 1965 Merc 500 (SN: 1761957) that I am working on. I was using a CLYMER Mercury Outboard Shop Manual that is to vague to be of much use for the work I am doing. Does anyone know where I can purchase a manual that is specific to this year model?<br /><br />I have another question. When I...
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    Bumper Stickers Pt.3

    Please don't tell momma I'm a boat captain, she thinks I'm a piano player in a ***** house. :rolleyes: <br /><br />With my luck, when my ship comes in I'll be at the airport. :rolleyes: <br /><br />Semper Paratus
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    Mercury 500 info

    I have a Merc 500 attached to a 24 foot pontoon boat. Not fast but it gets us there. I need to do some maintenance on the engine and I need a starting point. Where is the engine I.D. located on it? All I can find is part of a plaque at the front and it is unreadable. There is some stamped...