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  1. T

    1979 270 volvo penta Noise

    1st time out with this boat. who knows how long since it had been run last. Ran great till end of 3 hr day and when pulling up to dock and then backing off, the outdrive between bell housing and outdrive is is now making a slight knocking noise. When I got home, started boat and was quite until...
  2. T

    Evinrude 4 wire VRO

    I have just installed a 4 wire VRO replacing my 3 wire. I understand the 4th wire is for a no oiling condition. How is the no oil condition sensed? <br /><br />Also I have been told the fuel to oil ratio is no longer 50:1 to as low as 150:1. Does any one know what the ratio is given the throttle...
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    puchase rebuilt lower end / gearcase

    I am looking to buy a rebuilt gear case for a 1987 evinrude 140 v4 model #E140TLCU. Any one know who sells them?<br /><br />Thanks,
  4. T

    3 wire / 4 wire VRO

    what is the difference in the wiring? I have a 3 wire VRO now. I am going to replace it. Will the 4 wire work?<br /><br />Fisherman
  5. T

    Vary pump v.s. Fixed pump VRO

    It is my understanding that the stock VRO on my 1987 Evinrude 140 v4 outboard has a VRO that delivers from 50:1 to 150:1 depending on throttle<br />position. I am looking to replace my VRO and I am hearing that the new VRO's are fixed at 50:1 no matter where the throttle is.<br /><br />Why did...
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    order thermostats online?

    looking for a site to order thermostats for a 1987 evinrude 140 v4<br /><br />thanks
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    who sets the member status?

    I see firstmate, captain, admiral and so on. Who sets this and according to what critieria?<br /><br />Thanks
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    Over oiling VRO 1987 evinrude 140

    Greetings All,<br /><br />I have an 1987 Evinrude VRO 140 v4. It has been a great motor but recently, I have had a problem with using a lot of oil. I went through 1 gal of oil to 30 gals of gas. I read a lot about this type of problem in this forum (great help I might add). I have come to the...