Search results

  1. E

    Bayliner Quality - what year improved?

    I've heard that Bayliner is making higher quality boats now than they use to. Someone told me in a certain year or two (1996-97?), they made a concerted effort to improve their quality (while still focusing on being the "Chevy".... lower price point; not a Cadilac- but better quality than they...
  2. E

    Bow Tie down?

    I was reading my trailer manual and it recommended a tie down (straight down from bow eye to trailer addition to the normal crank line that pulls forward and your safety chain). I have never seen anyone do this but was thinking about doing it since the manual advises it. I can...
  3. E

    Rumble not U joints?

    I bought a 1999 20.5 foot Bayliner, 5.0 L 220 hp merc outdrive from a dealer. From day 1 it has had a rumble/vibration noise when turning tight with an intertuber (800-1,200 RPM / almost or just on a plane). It also has sort of a clicking/vibration noise when going slow around the dock when...
  4. E

    OMC or Merc Outdrive-which is best?

    I'm looking at used boats of the early 90's vintage. One is a '93 Conquest with a 4.3L V6 OMC outdrive. One of my friends tells me to stay away from OMC outdrives. We had one when I was a kid and didn't have any problems. Is one better than the other or should I not worry about whether its...