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  1. M

    1981 mercruiser 260 crankcase ventilation

    What is the original way the crankcase ventilation was done. Some monkey put 2 pcv valves on the two breathers and now at higher rpms I have oil in my bilge some from the valve cover grometts some from the dipstick. Im guessing no or hollowed out pcv valves?
  2. M

    1981 260 cooling system

    I have this exact setup. Everything is in order why would the port head engine temp switch be going off (meaning audible alarm its overheating)? I have removed the riser and is in vgc the manifold has slight surface rust. I have a SS block off plate between two gaskets installed with only a...
  3. M

    Trouble reinstalling lower half of outdrive

    I removed the lower half of the outdrive and replaced water pump but I cant seem to get the lower back on the last inch. Is there a trick to this?
  4. M

    Two temp sending units?

    I have 1981 Wellcraft that has been repowered at some point in its life. I have two temp sending units. One in the intake manifold water jacket and one in the left hand cylinder head. The one in the manifold goes to the gauge the other one goes to an audible under dash alarm is this...
  5. M

    Mercruiser 1981 Wellcraft wiring

    Ok so I have someones red haired step child for wiring. On a boat just so I'm clear (Ignoring interior lights and water faucets and such actually all house circuits) what is keyed on a boat and what is constant hot (managed by battery swithes)? Ex. horn constant or keyed? tilt trim constant...
  6. M

    V8 260 Slave Solenoid location

    1981 Mercruiser 260. Engine has been swapped and wiring has been messed with and is a mess so wire colors are basically meaningless. What exactly does the solenoid physically mount to? The PO used one of the carb bolts but that seems kinda janky. What wires by (function and gauge) attach to...
  7. M

    Mcm260 bia wiring diagram or pic

    I have a 1981 mcm 260 that after 35 years many previous owners have made electrical "improvements" to. Does anyone have a photo of an uncut up engine specifically the dust/coil/shift interrupt area?