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  1. L

    Boat cover was eaten up by Carpenter Ants

    The Marina brought my boat up to the house and left it on the lawn. I went to get the new boat cover which was in my shed to put on the boat. My wife helped me take it out of the box and we started to unroll and open it up. After we spread the cover out we saw hundreds of Carpenter Ants on the...
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    Charging two batteries

    I just purchased a Bayline 184 F&S with a 90 Mercury outboard. I called Bayline technical Department with the question about charging both batteries. they never got back to me. What electronics do I need to charge both batteries at the same time from the Mercury engine and do I need a switching...
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    Evenrude & Johnson Motors

    I am interested in purchasing a new Lowe's Fish & Ski boat and it comes with a four stroke Johnson 70 HP Engine. I have concerns about the company as I understand it was just sold again or in the process of being sold and I wonder if it will be there when or if I need warranty work or parts for...
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    Bent propeller shaft

    I have a 1990 48HP Johnson Special on my 16 foot Galaxy.When my daughter brought the boat back to the dock she told me that she heard a strange noise from the motor. I started the boat up and in neutral didn't hear anything. When I put it in gear I heard a thumping noise from the motor. the...
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    Fogging the engine

    I have a 1990 Johnson motorand would like to know how you go about fogging the motor when it is time to store the motor at the end of the season. Also how would I drain the water out of the motor. I have the manual for this Johnson and does not tell you about these procedures.
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    Taking a swim when you don't want to.

    I just brought my boat from the marina to my dock and tied up the bow and went to the stern to tie it up. I grabbed the line and gave it a slight tug and the stood up and the line felt tight and then gave it a hard tug when it suddenly came loose and I went off the dock into the water fully...