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  1. F

    Central Florida Fishing Spots??

    I haven't been on the water in a long time so I don't know where any good spots to fish are. A buddy and I went fishing on Alligator Lake in St. Cloud and I caught 1 tiny little bass :mad: . The same day my aunt when fishing in Mesquito Lagoon and caught so much she had to throw some back...
  2. F

    Prop Basics?

    I'm new to boating, I've got a 14 ft fiberglass fishing boat, I believe it's a 1988. It's got a 45 hp Merc Classic Fifty outboard, there is a label the says the boat is rated for a max 45 hp motor and 3 persons totaling 350lbs. I was wondering how fast it should be able to go and how different...
  3. F

    Mercury Classic Fifty Trouble

    I'm new at boat motors and I have some poblems. I've got a Merc Classic Fifty 45hp on a 14 ft fishing boat. It has been sitting for a long time so I've heard it's good to replace the water pump, it seems to pee water from the side fine. I've had a hard time finding much info about this motor...