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  1. T

    silly question merc 3.3 fuel ratio

    have a mercury 3.3 egg beater :p its late I have no manual, does anyone know if its two stroke 25:1 or 50:1.<br />Thanks
  2. T

    Hydraulic Lifters Bleed Down Time

    Hi There<br />Though I would post this a new topic as it could get interesting.<br />Sencario Chrylser 318 not getting full revs see other post.<br />Wont go over 3000rpm under load<br />Pressures OK Carbys OK Advance OK Fuel OK etc, but have found that the hyd lifters have around 6mm lift using...
  3. T

    Not Getting Full revs Chrylser 318

    Hi There<br /><br />I have a 32' Coronet with twin Chryler 318 V8 Petrol Vee Drives. I ve only had it about six months and bought it second hand. One motor Only goes to about 3000 rpm on load ok off load the other goes to 4200 on load. I checked timing throttle linkage etc all the obviuous. <br...