Search results

  1. M

    1980s Murc - bottom cylinders not firing

    I have a 1980s 50hp blueband murc and for some unknown reason its not firing on the bottom two cylinders, there is plenty of spark, and the carburetor has been rebuilt and is working as it should be, but when I remove the bottom two leads there is no change in the motor which is running really...
  2. M

    20 hp 1980s BB merc fuel shortage

    hi my 20hp mercury is running for around 30 seconds and then stops i noticed that when i go to start it again it needs to be primed up again because the fuel floot bowl is completly empty iv had a look at the pump and all seems fine it might be the float but how do i tell were the float is ment...
  3. M

    1983 18 hp murc ----- whats it worth

    i brought a boat with a 1983 18 hp blue band murc in xrlint condition i am now upgradeing and have no idea of its value any sugg welcome (with remote)
  4. M

    12 foot , how big can i have in hp

    i have a 12 foot glass boat with an 18 hp murc i need bigger how big can i go
  5. M

    12ft glass boat value

    i have come across a boat, but i am un sure of its value in anyway, its a 12ft 1980s glass, seats 4, in great cond theres no warping no cracks no dints, the only markings i could find were "artek 3.6" it comes with a 1980s 18hp merc, fueltank and trailer could anyone please help me on a value...
  6. M

    1980s 18hp mercury running lumpy

    im looking at buying a 1980s 18hp blue band mercury but there is a problem, at low rpm it runs lumpy when it gets up and going it runs fine and then at top rpm it runs lumpy again any ideas on the problem PLEASE :confused: