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  1. D


    I have a 165 hp Mercruiser closed cooling system. I have replaced the impeller and the t-stat. the problem I am having is that the antifreeze always overfills the overflow contain and is not sucked back into the cooling system when the t-stat opens. Engine runs at 120 to 140 unless it is run...
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    Voltage Regulator

    I have just been informed by my local dealer that they no longer make a voltage regulator for my engine. 165 HP 4 cylinder Mercruiser. The voltage regulator is cooled by the raw water in this case, don't know if that is common or not. Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do now.
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    prop direction

    We recently changed the impeller and when putting it back together we ran into a slight problem. This may seem stupid but what direction should the prop turn when in forward. Clockwise or counterclockwise when standing on the ground looking at the back of the boat.
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    Winterizing 165hp Closed System

    I am looking for information on winterizing a mercruiser 165hp closed system