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  1. E

    1976 MERC 650

    Install a fuse that isnt blown and then jump the starter solenoid from the red wire to the yellow wire with jumper cables or a screwdriver that you dont care about and make sure it is in the run position it will probably start if it has spark and fuel
  2. E

    Armature plate too tight when screws are tightened

    I didnt think it was bent but then i sanded it down a bit and that helped a lot it runs good now but it needs a carburetor adjustment. Thanks guys
  3. E

    Armature plate too tight when screws are tightened

    I have a 1961 evinrude sportwin 10 horsepower that runs at high rpm fine but at low the armature plate was moving erratically, before this i had replaced plug wires and found that the armature plate was very wobbly but thought nothing of it so i took off the flywheel and the armature plate and...