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  1. D

    2hp evinrude 1977 water pump issue

    Ok guys, where is the water from the waterpump supose to show on this 2 horsepower motor? And is there a way to put a waterflow indicator tube on this? and also if the water isnt pumping then that causes the engine to get hot fast which means the moter will die quicker right? I know a bit about...
  2. D

    evinrude wont stay running

    I have a 1977 2 hp evinrude.I reset the points at .020 and installed new carb kit, checked the waterpump impeller that seems ok and installed new condensor and no oil leak showing no signs of a bad lower seal. It will run in fast speed only anywhere from 2 to 7 minnutes and then it dies.Wont run...
  3. D

    2hp evinrude

    My 1977 2 hp evinrude will run in the fast speed position and will not run in slow speed. It will only run on fast speed for about 2 to 10 min before dieing, then it wont start until it has cooled down. It wont run at all in the slow speed.Any suggestions? I reset the points at .020 and changed...