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    2002 4.3L Mercruiser leaking water

    Hi BFett - How did this end up for you? We are in the same boat!
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    4.3l Mercruiser - failed hose test see comments

    4.3l Mercruiser Boat failed hose test with muffs. No water came out of transom, but ended up on the floor of engine compartment. After a helpful comment from a Rear Admiral, I knew what had gone on. I've read on a few forums about this. Does this mean that the engine is toast? Odds that it might...
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    4.3l Mercruiser - failed hose test see comments

    I just googled what you meant by a pushed out casting plug...and that is exactly what I found in the bottom beneath the engine. Praying for no major damage.
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    4.3l Mercruiser - failed hose test see comments

    Hello - thanks for your reply. I didn't see the water coming directly out but in general, while performing the hose test with muffs, the water never came out the transom but ended up in the engine compartment.
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    4.3l Mercruiser - failed hose test see comments

    2005 Bayliner Bowrider with 4.3l Mercruiser Just performed hose test. Water did not come out of transom but ended up in the bottom of the engine compartment. Water seems to be coming out of right side bottom. Note: 2 things that may be of importance: - Seller started boat without hose just...