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  1. F

    9.9 EVINRUDE

    WHEN WAS THE FIRST AND LAST YEAR evinrude made the 9.9 hp?<br />thx guys and gals
  2. F

    4 hp evinrude

    Hi, I think i may need to clean out the water cooling system on this motor, Not real sure though, I get a constant sputter of water through the holes but nothing that streams through them at all throttle positions, Whats normal for these little motors?. <br />Thanks
  3. F


    Hi, what would be causing me to get a faint electrical shock when touching any part of metal on the motor when i am running it, I put new wires on it about a week ago and have had this prob since then. any ideals?<br />Thanks :confused:
  4. F

    1970 4 hp recoil ?

    Hi, Is there any tricks of the trade to putting on a new recoil rope on this motor. The one that is on there is in bad shape. Like to replace it before it causes me alot of headaches. thx guys. <br />Joe