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  1. sailhard

    Honda BF40 power tilt trim leaking

    Hello, I was getting my boat ready for the water and just noticed the power lift/tilt is malfuctioning. The motor turns but won't lift the motor up all the way. I removed the power tilt unit and checked it out. It looks like there is a bubbling leak on the right side of the unit at the rim of...
  2. sailhard

    Tachometer and harness kit for Honda bf40 tiller

    Hello, Does anyone know if Honda wiring harness kit # 32540-ZV5-9101 is plug and play with a 2006 Honda BF40 Tiller? I assume the kit would be for the remote model, but just wondering if it's worth buying for my tiller along with an oem Honda BF40/50 tach.
  3. sailhard

    '92 Tohatsu M40C "stuck"

    This is a strange one. Last fall this ( usually VERY reliable other than a few hiccups ) motor started giving me problems. While runnning full throttle, the motor made some higher pitched noises and stopped short as if it were seized. ( motor weep holes were dribbling fine) I waited a while...
  4. sailhard

    M40c Loud exhaust noise comes and goes.

    Hello, I was out with My tohatsu m40c last weekend and under full throttle after a few seconds, the motor started making a loud exhaust farty noise, as if the exhaust was not coming out the prop bet elswhere. I slowed down and it stopped but it come back under high throttle. Now I'm worried I...
  5. sailhard

    Tohatsu m40c 40 hp won't start.

    I have a '92 Tohatsu 2 stroke 2cyl with under 50 hours. I've never had any problems with it...but last weekend it suddenly dies on me a few minutes after starting it, and refused to restart. It acts like the tank vent is closed... it starts initially and runs for a second, then dies. I replaced...