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  1. F

    Volvo penta 4.3 2006 fuel rail injector socket detached

    Thank you for reply but no, not the retainer, i am talking about the actual piece welded to the rail that holds the injector and retainer to the rail. From the same graphic the nipple protruding on the lower side of the rail and where the injector seat. Thank you Frank 2006 Regal 2860 Window...
  2. F

    Volvo penta 4.3 2006 fuel rail injector socket detached

    Hi All, The socket of one of the injectors in my 4.3 Penta GXI-E detached from the fuel rail. Dealer prince is over 1200 US dollars for the whole rail. Looking for alternatives knowing this is a fuel high pressure need some strength to hold. Can this be welded or somehow re-attached to the rail...