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  1. K

    Mercruiser 6.2 - 90amp fuse

    Understood, I will put back fuse and see what will happen, if motor not starting I'll check alternator and cables. Hopefully it will work🙏
  2. K

    Mercruiser 6.2 - 90amp fuse

    Thank you for welcoming me 😊. Engine MIE MX 6.2 MPI HORIZON Serial number 0M310117. The thing is motor was working with fuse and everything like normal and one day it's just stopped,not starting no life sounds, and then as I said mechanic came look up everything removed fuse and motor started...
  3. K

    Mercruiser 6.2 - Water distribution housing

    Hello everyone, I have a water distribution housing that has a small black hose attached to it which is quite long. There have been different opinions regarding whether it's an air hose or a drain hose. The placement of this hose is different between two engines - on one engine, it's lying down...
  4. K

    Mercruiser 6.2 - 90amp fuse

    Hello everyone I need some help to understand the point of 90 amp fuse on mercruiser 6.2 inboard engine next to the starter. Had a problem to start portside motor, long story short new fuse,new starter same problem. So new mechanic came and removed fuse completely and motor start instantly, and...