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  1. P

    Difference between Merc. Alpha One inner transom plate for V8 and I4

    Can anybody tell me what the differences are (if any) between the inner transom plates (Alpha One Gen 1) for a V8 and a Inline 4 ? I have a Alpha One Gen 1 transom, that have been used on a V8, which I plan to use with a Merc. 140 (1978). I know that I have to replace the bull horn and riser...
  2. P

    Initial timing Delco EST

    I bought a Barr Marine delivered GM 3.0 longblock. When setting the initial timing the Barr marine engine manual describes 8 ?BTDC at idle with timing shunt engaged - reading the Mercruiser Service manual, it describes 1 ?BTDC - using the same timing method. For your information the engine can...
  3. P

    Mercruiser 140 with Delco EST ignition system

    I have replaced my old Mercruiser 140 with a GM Vortec Marine engine with Delco EST ignition system. My questions are: Do I have to remove the resistance wire to the ignition coil to increase voltage on coil ? The shift interrupter switch in the 140 configuration is grounding the coil while...
  4. P

    Knocking Mercruiser 140

    Hi Everyone I have a 1979 Mercruiser 140. It has a dry knocking noise at idle (a little like a diesel) - it seems to continue at all RPM's but dissappers in the general noise. It seems to reduce when engine warm. It can hardly be heard with engine cover closed. When RPM's are increased and...
  5. P

    Knocking sound from Mercruiser 140

    After having the rod bearings and the crank shaft overhauled, installed over size bearings, replaced valve lifters, replaced compression and oil rings and installed a new cylinder head. Almost a new engine ..... I have started the engine up again. It seems like there is still coming a knocking...
  6. P

    Knocking sound from Mercruiser 140

    I changed rotor - but missed to place it properly. When I cranked the engine the rotor stopped somwhere in the distributor, causing a misfire (explosion backwards out of the carb) and a sudden stop of the engine while cranking (starter bolt broke). After changing starter bolt and replacing rotor...