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  1. S

    OMC 4.3 Cobra slow Drip from hose

    Thanks all. I sanded down the flange, used two hose clams tighten with a socket and it seem to have worked
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    OMC 4.3 Cobra slow Drip from hose

    It is pretty rough because of the rust build up over man years. I’ll give your suggestions a shot, thanks! Any concern with the gasket #3 getting into the motor? I don’t plan on using too much
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    OMC 4.3 Cobra slow Drip from hose

    Dewinterized the boat the other day and there were a few small drips from where the hoses connect into the motor while the boat was running. I tightened up the hose clamps and got ride of them except for one drip every 8-10 seconds on the lower end of the large hot water hose. I’ve tried...
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    Good point… there is a fair amount of corrosion in there from the previous owner simply draining the water and leaving it empty. Also forgot to say I fogged the engine. Engine runs wel but that fighter killed it much quicker than anticipated (1-2 seconds of spraying killed it)
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    Thanks for your help! I got it done this weekend. - Outboard drive oil changed - Engine oil and oil filter replaced - Drained the 4 petcocks, poking them frequently and let them drain (not sure if was 3.5-4 gallen but somewhere around 2-3 gallons came out) - Pulled raw water hose off of...
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    Changing engine oil filter same time as oil?

    Bought the filter and will be installing, thanks all
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    Changing engine oil filter same time as oil?

    I know this is common sense for a lot of vehicles but wanted to get everyone’s thoughts on here. Personally, I put about 20-30 running hours on my boat this year and I’m changing the motor oil during my winterization today but not sure if I’m goi to changing the filter at the same time? The...
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    I agree, air doesn’t freeze. It’s just that this is the first year with the boat and I’m slightly concerned about there being a little bit of water left in the cooling system after I drain in. The thought was to add some of that cheap marine -50 AF, to dilute any potential leftover water and...
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    It will get get into the negatives at times where I’m at. Sounds like the best plan may be to just drain it like the originally owner and not use any AF. Still just a little nervous because I don’t know of a way to make sure I drained all of the water out of the system before putting it away for...
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    Thank you for the detailed right up! I followed along each step in my head and believe I’m ready to winterize the boat. One question in regards to the AF, I can find cheap -50 burst AF locally and my thought was that I would drain all the water out, then refill the engine/cooling system with AF...
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    Thanks all for confirming my assumption. I’m glad I asked before I bought the camco tub system. From what I can gather, using that camco system only gets AF into the raw water impeller and into the exhaust manifolds and out the exhaust location on the outdrive, not into the block correct?
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    89’ OMC 4.3L Winterize Question

    Going to be getting in the mid to upper 20’s next week so need to get my 89’ OMC cobra 4.3 Winterized. After reading a lot of forums, it looks like I need to remove the 4 brass petcocks, poke them with a wire to make sure they drain, remove the raw water hose and point it down to the hull...
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    Prop Suggestions Needed

    Thanks for the info, I’ll start looking for a 15 degree pitch prop that is 15” in diameter
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    Prop Suggestions Needed

    The previous owner never had it below 4000’ elevation and I’ve never had it below 5000’ elevation. The previous owner said the 19” was the speed prop and 17 was for skiing. I ran the 17 yesterday and think there’s still room for improvement because it only get to 4000 rmps at WOT
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    Prop Suggestions Needed

    And when you say 15 degree pitch prop, what diameter of prop? 15 inches?
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    Prop Suggestions Needed

    Thanks for the info. Back in 1989 the boat was bought new at this elevation and hasn’t left so I believe it was setup for it. It seems to run and idle well so I feel like it’s been jetted for this elevation. So if I lose 15-20% of my power due to elevation, that doesn’t mean I lose WOT rmps...
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    Prop Suggestions Needed

    Boat/Motor: 1989 seaswirl spyder 202 (20’ length) with an OMC 4.3L 190HP V6 Boat mechanic did a preseason tune up and everything checked out, in other words no issues that are known of Props used: 14.5”x19degree aluminum. Didn’t make it to 4000rmps at a lake at 6000’ elevation(I believe it was...
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    Trailer Guide Ons DIY?

    Wondering if I’d be ahead going with a pair of these for $140