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  1. C

    85hp mercury will run as long as i hold the key in start position

    i have an 85hp mercury s/n 7010313 that will run as long as i hold the key in the start position but dies when i put it in the run position, i changed out the switcbox , i verified that i have power to the white wire on the switch . i cant figuere out why it dies out PLEASE HELP
  2. C

    bent prop?

    while we wer out yesterday boat ran fine then all of a sudden we were unable to get any speed out of boat. what we did notice was instead of water comingg off prop staight out the back of the boat water seams to be shooting up out of water. propr does not appear bent other than a few minor dings...
  3. C

    lower unit removal

    ii have an 850 mercury that i need to remove the lower unit, How do you remove the trim tab to get to the bolt under it?
  4. C

    1975 evinrude 70 no top end

    I recently bought a 1989 bayliner capri with a 1975 70 evinrude mounted to it. (not original motor). when we take it out on the river it seems to take forever to get up on plane, if it does. engine starts fine and runs smoothe,we never get above 2500rpms.(15in prop)at full throttle, power pack...