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  1. L


    I bought a boat 6 weeks ago, went out 4 times, today I went out and was keep the RPM at 3500, suddenly, the boat went into neutral and the gauges went ballistic. Water Temperature went up.<br />I open the hose by the thermostat, no water in it...<br />Two guys at the ramp assume that, the water...
  2. L

    Impeller on the transom

    HI Guys,<br /><br />In the back of my Seray Seville, they are two sender one which I know is the Speedometer the other one I don't know what it is. It look like a small impeller. Is this for the detph or fish finder, I am trying to see the relation of the impeller with a depht finder.<br /><br...
  3. L

    Nissan Quest

    I have a Nissan Quest 1995 (6 cylinders) towing capacity is 3500pounds, Do you guys think it is safe to tow a Searay Seville 1987 with a I/O engine. I QM TOWING IT TO 5 MILES RAMP FROM MY HOUSE<br />weigh around 3000 pounds
  4. L

    Opinions on Searay Seville 1987

    Hi Everyone,<br />I am a newbie here and I am particularly greatfull for the informations I have found here. I just purchase a 1987 Searay Serville with a 4 cylinder Mercruiser Engine from a Dealer. The dealer was very nice, he offered me a Demo, he said he is going to tune it up, buff it and...