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  1. X

    175 RUDE.... Smoke like a freight train

    ok guys i have a 1992 175 evinrude V6 spitfire series OIL INJECTED i have posted recently about a starting problem with the bendix kicking out when the motor fires... I took it to the mechanic and he said that the carb levers and throttle levers were not opening together which caused flooding...
  2. X

    Compression on my 175 evinrude with starting problem

    ok i just check the compression and they are the following 90,90,100 110,100,85 whats your thoughts?? i had previously posted about the bendix kicking out whien it was turning over and someone said it may have low compression on one cylinder are those numbers ok??
  3. X

    Evinrude starter turns motor then kicks out

    Hey guys i have a 1992 175 evinrude wehn i get to the lake it starts fine.... after running just a few mins and try to restart it... turn the key and the starter truns the motor over but then the starter kicks out and spins free... i have lubed the bendix a new starter was put on last year...